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Asake woke up with a startle. Her face was drenched with sweats. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. Her breathing was rapid. She has had yet another nightmare. She switched on the bedside lamp and glanced at the clock on the wall directly opposite her bed. It was 3:20am. She sat up straight and pulled the cover cloth close to her chin. She closed her eyes tightly and allowed the tears to flow freely. She had been having consistent nightmares since the incident happened few months ago. Her therapist had placed her on medications, yet, the effects were less noticeable. She wiped her tears with the back of her palm and made up her mind to see her therapist in the morning for a more effective solution. She laid back on the bed willing sleep to take her into dreamland. 

‘Good morning, Asake. How are you doing today?’ Her therapist gestured for her to take a seat on front of the large mahogany table 

‘I am not fine’ She replied as she settled into one of the chairs. Her therapist dropped the pen she was holding on the table, folded her arms and waved at her to continue ‘I have been having the same nightmares for days now and it disturbs my sleep schedule ultimately affecting my day’

‘Okay. Are you regular on your medications?’

‘Yes, I am. In fact, I take it religiously’ She replied.

‘Alright. I will link you up with healthyish, a health and lifestyle coach, who will coach you on how to manage this with the right lifestyle and dietary changes. You should see changes after that coupled with the medications you are on’ The therapist searched through a basket holding several business cards. She brought out a small one and held it to Asake.

‘Thank you very much’ She replied. 

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that occurs due to exposure to traumatic situations or an event of incident such as an abusive relationship, rape, armed robbery attack, to mention but a few.It is characterized by having flashbacks from the events, nightmares, feeling hopeless, difficulty sleeping, getting easily startled, experiencing angry outbursts and lots more. PTSD, if not dealt with early enough, can cause disruption in the normal day to day activities of an individual. It may also lead to significant impairment in the physical and social health of concerned individuals. While there are medications that can be used to combat PTSD, this article will explore various lifestyle and dietary changes that can help to deal with PTSD successfully. 

1.Eat nutritious foods: Foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, sardines; antioxidants such as berries, nuts, and vegetables; magnesium such as almonds, spinach, dark chocolate, and probiotics such as yoghurts and fermented vegetables have been known to support the brain health. These foods help to reduce anxiety associated with PTSD. 

2.Limit consumption of caffeine and sugar: Excessive intake of foods rich in caffeine and sugar can lead to increased anxiety and disrupted sleep. This can aggravate the symptoms of PTSD. Limiting their intake stabilizes the mood and energy level.

3.Limit intake of processed foods: Processed foods are high in unhealthy fats, sugar, and preservatives. They have negative impact on the brain’s health and can aggravate symptoms of PTSD. 

4.Avoid alcohol consumption: Many people opt for alcohol to deal with the symptoms of PTSD. However, alcohol interferes with the sleep pattern and aggravates symptoms of PTSD.

5.Engage in regular physical activity: Physical activity releases endorphins that helps in the improvement of mood and reduction of stress. Activities such as running, swimming, walking are beneficial tools useful in managing the symptoms of PTSD.

6.Practice good sleep hygiene: Good sleep hygiene includes having a regular sleep schedule, engaging in relaxing bedtime routine such as reading, taking a warm bath, and creating a comfortable sleep environment. This helps individuals with PTSD to get the rest they need and reduce the anxiety and stress associated with PTSD. 

7.Practice breathing exercises: When faced with memories from these traumatic situations, engage in deep breathing techniques to help calm the nervous system and reduce stress. 

In conclusion, PTSD is a condition that can be managed through the combination of proper lifestyle and dietary approaches. By eating nutritious food, limiting, or avoiding consumption of sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods, engaging in regular physical activity, practicing good sleep hygiene, and engaging in deep breathing exercises, individuals with PTSD can live a symptom free life. 

NB We are bio individuals which is to say not all size fits all. Prioritizing yourself and your journey with the support and guidance of a health coach will further help in your progress and such a person would be able to get detailed information about themselves that could facilitate results. 







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