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Mrs Jimoh ran a small provision store, where she sold everything from household items to snacks. The store was her livelihood, and it was always stocked with colorful packages of candies, sodas, and processed foods. She had developed a strong liking for the sugary treats his family sold. Every day after work, she would grab a bottle of soda and a packet of biscuits 

As months passed, her energy began to wane. She found it hard to concentrate on things. Her usual enthusiasm for outdoor activities with friends was replaced by lethargy and frequent headaches. Concerned, she visited their family's hospital. Dr. Adetokunbo, the family doctor, conducted a thorough examination and ran several tests. When the results came back, he had a serious talk with her.

"Your blood sugar levels are quite high for his age," Dr. Adetokunbo said. "You are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Your diet is the main culprit. Too much sugar and processed foods are wreaking havoc on your health."

She was shocked. She had not realized the extent of the damage the snacks could cause. Dr. Adetokunbo explained the long-term effects of a diet high in sugar and processed foods: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and a range of other health issues. Dr. Adetokunbo gave her the contact of healthyish, a health and lifestyle coach, to guide her in choosing the right diet. 

Determined to turn things around, Mrs Jimoh devised a plan with healthyish. They replaced the sugary snacks with fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. She started drinking water and fresh juice instead of soda. Her new diet was complemented by therapy solutions and regular exercise.

The consumption of sugar and processed foods has increased drastically, transforming diets worldwide. Although these foods offer convenience and comfort, satisfy cravings, and makes one feel good, the negative impacts of sugar on the health cannot be overemphasized. Consumption of excessive sugar, particularly in its refined forms like sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, contributes to poor health in individuals, many of which include:

1. Obesity: Excessive sugar and processed food intake contributes to weight gain and obesity. Sugary foods and drinks are calorie-dense but often lack essential nutrients, leading to overconsumption of calories without satisfying hunger. This imbalance promotes fat accumulation, particularly visceral fat, which is associated with metabolic disorders.

2. Type 2 Diabetes: High sugar and processed foods consumption can lead to excessive weight gain and increase in body fat, both of which are risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Also, excessive consumption of sugar leads to resistance of insulin, an hormone that regulates the blood sugar. When there is insulin resistance, it leads to build up of sugar in the blood leading to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. 

3. Heart Disease: Diets high in sugar and processed foods can increase triglycerides, lower HDL (good) cholesterol, and elevate blood pressure, all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Chronic inflammation, another consequence of high sugar intake, further exacerbates heart disease risk. Excessive consumption of processed foods which are high in sodium also contributes to the development of high blood pressure, a risk factor for the development of various heart diseases including stroke. 

4. Dental Health: Sugar and processed foods are primary contributors to dental caries. It serves as a food source for harmful bacteria in the mouth, leading to acid production that causes tooth decay. 

5. Acne: Excessive consumption of sugar and processed foods lead to the development of acne. Excessive sugar leads to increased oil production and inflammation, both of which play important role in the development of acne. 

6. Depression: While healthy diet helps in mood regulation, excessive consumption of sugar and processed foods have been linked to mood fluctuations such as depression. Studies have shown that individuals who consume excessive sugar have a higher chance of developing depression than those who do not. 

7. Cancer: Excessive consumption of sugar and processed foods causes inflammation which increases an individual's risk of developing cancer. 

The increased consumption of sugar and processed foods poses a significant danger to the health. Processed foods and sugar should be replaced with healthy foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and proteins to forestall the negative effects of sugar and processed foods. Healthy eating should not be compromised. Avoid excessive sugar and processed food intake and embrace healthy eating.


NB We are bio individuals which is to say not all size fits all. Prioritizing yourself and your journey with the support and guidance of a health coach will further help in your progress and such a person would be able to get detailed information about themselves that could facilitate results. 





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