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Mrs Adelaide rose up from her workstation, stretched her back for few minutes and returned to her workstation. She continued working till late at night. By the time she shut down her laptop and picked up her phone, she had missed calls from her husband, sister, and mother. She glanced at the wall clock. It was 9:30pm. She had been working since 8am with only a few minutes' break in between. Her back ached from sitting for too long and her eyes were itchy and watery from staring at the laptop all day. She picked up her bag and headed to the car park. She felt light-headed and dizzy as she was about to open the door to her car. She leaned on the car door, held her head with one hand while she used the other hand to dial her husband's number. She lost her balance and fell as darkness enveloped her.


She opened her eyes and saw her husband sitting by her bedside talking to the doctor. Her head ached her. She winced in pain and strained her ears to listen to their conversation.

'I am afraid your wife has been overworking herself. That was what led to the fainting episode she had. Thankfully, she did not sustain any major injury. However, we would need to keep her here for the night for close observation' The doctor said.

'Thank you so much, doctor. I have always told her to take things slowly, but she would not listen' Mr Adelaide replied.

There are health and wellness professionals you can work with, to help you maintain a healthy work-life balance to prevent recurrence of such situation, ‘said the doctor. You can consult with them for optimal support.

'I will appreciate that, doctor. 

I have had to refer some of my patients to them as doctors are not able to handle holistically some of these trivial issues that could occur because of lifestyle choices, and he gave them the contact he had with him.

Work-life balance involves managing professional responsibilities and personal commitments in a way that minimizes stress, promotes self care, and fosters overall well-being. In simple terms, it involves creating harmony between work and personal life. A healthy work-life balance means you can be happy and productive at work and have time for yourself and family. 

The quest for wealth and the pressure to provide for loved ones could make individuals work for long unhealthy hours neglecting their personal life including things that give them joy. This could lead to burn out and development of stress-induced inflammatory diseases such as hypertension. It could also affect negatively on their mental health. It is, therefore, important to strike the right balance between professional and personal commitment to avoid stress-related diseases, burnout and improve overall health. Are you struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance, try the following tips:

1. Set boundaries between work and personal time: One of the ways to maintain a healthy work-life balance is to set up boundaries between work and personal time. Do not attend to work issues during personal time and vice versa. 

2. Take breaks throughout the day: Schedule breaks in-between your work hours. This enables you to be re-energized and rejuvenated. You could take a walk, sleep, watch movies or read during the breaks.

3. Schedule time for your hobbies and interests: Be intentional about engaging in things that make you happy by scheduling time for them. Incorporate them into your schedule and make out time for them. This helps to relieve the stress that comes with work.

4. Delegate tasks: Prioritize important tasks that need your attention and those that can be done by others. This enables you to have more time for yourself and engage in other important things.

5. Take vacations: Taking vacation from work is another way to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Taking a vacation can help you disconnect from work, recharge your batteries, and return to your job with a fresh perspective.

6. Practice relaxation technique: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as meditation, exercise into your daily routine. This helps you to manage stress associated with work and achieve a healthy work-life balance.

7. Manage your time effectively: Effective time management is crucial for balancing work and life. Use tools like calendars, planners, and to-do lists to organize your tasks and schedule your day. Allocate specific times for work, family, and leisure activities. Avoid multitasking, as it can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress.

8. Learn to say No: It is important to recognize your limits and avoid overcommitting. Saying no to added tasks or responsibilities that you cannot handle is a sign of strength, not weakness. It ensures that you can devote quality time to your existing commitments without feeling overwhelmed.

Creating a healthy work-life balance requires time and commitment. By setting boundaries, taking vacations, practicing time management and relaxation techniques, individuals can have a healthy work-life balance that enables them to live optimally and have excellent quality of life. 





NB We are bio individuals which is to say not all size fits all. Prioritizing yourself and your journey with the support and guidance of a health coach will further help in your progress and such a person would be able to get detailed information about themselves that could facilitate results. 






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