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Mr Alamu had been trying to stop taking soft drinks. Each day, he takes at least three bottles of soft drinks (carbonated drink) because they keep him energized and active all through the day. He attended a workshop and learnt that soft drinks are dangerous to his health and well-being. However, he had troubles letting go of those unhealthy habits. He tried various means to break off this habit, but to no avail. He lamented to his friend who then directed him to, a health and lifestyle coach for maximum support.

'Good morning, Mr Alamu. How are you doing today?' The coach asked!

I have a problem letting go of these soft drinks (carbonated drinks) I acknowledge the danger it poses to my health but lack the will power to stop' He replied.

The road to transformation is in the acknowledgment of oneself and weaknesses and you are already on that part. However, it is a gradual step, with the right support you are set to achieve results. She searched her table for a health history form and handed it over to him to fill. 'Then the journey to wellness on how to break unhealthy habits began. 

Habit is a behavior that is repeated often and regularly. Habit can be either good or bad. Unhealthy habits are those that are detrimental to our physical, mental, and social health. Habits that jeopardize our overall well-being can be classified as being unhealthy habits. Most times, we do not often set out to have these habits, however, repeated certain unhealthy behavior over time makes it unpleasant. Many of us have unconsciously adopted lifestyle and dietary behaviors that are detrimental to our health, thereby making it a habit. Habits such as irregular sleep pattern, eating junk foods, lack of physical activity are detrimental to our health and predispose us to certain health-related issues like certain inflammatory diseases. Most of the diseases that we have are avoidable only if we adopt the right habits or break out of our unhealthy habits. However, breaking off unhealthy habits is not a walk in the park. It requires constant and consistent dedication, effort, determination, and support. Here are some tips for breaking off unhealthy habits:

1. Identify triggers: The first step to breaking a bad habit is to identify what triggers the performance of that habit. For instance, if you are trying to stop taking soft drinks (carbonated drinks), identify what prompts you to take it. For some, it could be dehydration, for others, it could be stress. This will help you to be aware of why you do what you do.

2. Set SMART goals: To overcome unhealthy habits, you need to have Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound goals. Setting goals helps you to identify why you want to change and motivates you to do better. Let your goals be clearly defined.

3. Replace the habit: Studies have shown that replacing a habit with a positive and healthier one is easier than cutting it off. Find healthy alternatives to those habits. For instance, try replacing taking soft drinks with drinking water. Whenever you feel the urge to take soft drinks (carbonated drink), rather than ignore the urge, drink water or any other healthy fruit juices you make yourself.

4. Have a reward system: One effective way to break unhealthy habits is to practice positive reinforcement. Every-time, you choose the healthier alternative over the bad habit, reward yourself. It could be as little taking time to do what you enjoy doing or taking a little break.

5. Use reminders: A reminder is a fantastic way of keeping track of your goals and helping you to stay on course. It could come in form of pasting sticky notes with your goals outlined on them or subtle reminder not to do a certain thing in visible areas of your house or setting alarms on your phone to remind you of your goals intermittently.

6. Be disciplined: Breaking off unpleasant habits requires a lot of self-discipline. You need to be disciplined to break off unhealthy habits. Be disciplined to delay gratification and focus on your goals. 

7. Change your environment: Sometimes, breaking off unhealthy habits could require drastic measures such as change of environment. Your surroundings could be a trigger for unhealthy habits. For instance, if you are trying to stop taking soft drinks (carbonated drinks) do not stock your house with such drinks. Keep them out of reach. 

8. Accept that it is a gradual process: Breaking unhealthy habits takes a while. Do not put so much pressure on yourself. Take it one day at a time and on days you slip up, extend grace to yourself. Do not beat yourself up too much. Rather, restrategize.

9. Be accountable: Accountability keeps you in check. Find someone to be accountable to in your journey to breaking off unhealthy habits. Your accountability partner could be a friend, spouse, or family and member, but we strongly advice for a coach.

10. Visualize success: Picture the benefits and how your life will improve. This positive mental image can reinforce your commitment and make the process more tangible.


NB We are bio individuals which is to say not all size fits all. Prioritizing yourself and your journey with the support and guidance of a health coach will further help in your progress and such a person would be able to get detailed information about themselves that could facilitate results. 




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